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Sourdough line from MINIT

You can't resist me

At first glance, you're ready to take a bite!

That´s us, Kvasko!

We bring a new line of sourdough breads to the everyday and festive table for all lovers of honest baking. The seven types of sourdough bread, named Kvasko, are the result of traditional Slovak baking. They combine a traditional bread recipe and real sourdough, resulting in a crispy bread that satisfies the whole family and symbolizes the traditional taste of home. The sourdough line passes through the hands of bakers who take care of the bread with love and tenderness. We take care of the dough as if it were cotton, so that the Kvaskov leavens and overwhelms our customers with traditional bread flavors. Sourdough bread is an ideal snack for family mornings, weekdays when you need to fill up, but they will also please lovers of healthy food and sourdough bakery products.

Kvasko multigrain bread 505 g

With its unique composition, Kvasko multigrain bread will appeal to lovers of home made bread baked with love in a traditional stone oven. In addition to wheat and wholemeal rye flour, natural mother ferment and water, it is sprinkled with roasted seeds, oat flakes and flax. The roasted seeds in the crumb give the bread a distinctive taste and bite It does not contain any artificial additives, E's or yeast. Slovak original!

Kvasko traditional bread 505 g

A characteristic feature of Kvasko rustic bread is its interesting twisted shape. The skilful hands and patient work of our bakers bear fruit in the form of popular traditional white bread with each piece being a tasty original. The bread baked in a stone oven is made of wheat flour and honest natural mother sourdough starter. It has a golden brown crispy crust, thanks to baking in a traditional stone oven, and a pleasant bread aroma. In every bite you can feel the love, emotion and expert work of our bakers. To eat!

Kvasko farmer´s bread 505g

With a love for the craft and an unrepeatable desire to pass on our family experience in the form of honest sourdough breads, Kvasko farmer's bread was born. It reflects the creative work and dedication of our bakers to bake delicious breads. Thanks to the long term maturation process of the mother sourdough starter, made only of water and flour, the bread has a delicious crumb and a crispy, dark golden crust. When you see it, you'll be tempted by the rich sprinkling of golden flax, flax seeds and oat flakes. The aroma and irresistible taste of freshly baked bread will transform your family table into a festive moment and become your faithful companion. Do you already feel that delicious taste on your tongue?

Kvasko rye bread 505 g

Rye bread from the new Kvasko product line is denser, darker in consistency and has a robust and rich bread flavour. Thanks to its wheat and wholemeal rye flour content, it offers a long lasting feeling of satiety. Our natural sourdough starter that is used to make rye bread is also made of wholemeal rye flour and water. The bread does not contain any added substances or baker's yeast and is flavoured with ground caraway, which gives it a unique, traditional taste. Takes one look to bite Its dark and crispy crust is due to the stone oven, while the soft crumb is due to the quality, lovingly grown sourdough starter, which is given enough time, regular care and suitable conditions. MINIT Kvasko rye bread represents a return to the classic and filled taste of bread. Takes one look to bite!

Kvasko peasant bread 505 g

The recipe of the sourdough peasant bread is based on the values of our family company and adheres to honest traditions. The bread is made exclusively of traditional Slovak ingredients and carries all the attributes of true sourdough bread. It has a fantastic taste and aroma, crispy crust, fluffy and supple crumb, thanks to its baking in a traditional stone oven. The basis of its delicious taste and fluffy dough is properly grown ferment, which is given enough time to mature. The living micro organisms that are awakened in the sourdough starter during the long term maturation process have beneficial effects on the resulting quality of the bread. Kvasko peasant bread is the right choice if you love the true taste of bread and long to feel the smell of home. You can't resist me!

Kvasko caraway bread 505 g

Caraway bread is one of the most traditional types of bread in Slovak households. It is made of honest Slovak ingredients, without artificial additives or yeast. The most distinctive ingredient is ground caraway, considered to be the oldest spice in Europe, which gives the bread its specific flavour and aroma. The beautiful dark golden colour, crispy crust and soft crumb tempt you to take a bite and materialize the return to traditional baking values. The combination of wheat and wholemeal flour gives the bread a denser consistency, but the crumb is soft, tender and fluffy. The bread does not contain E's or any leavening additives. The secret of its exceptional taste lies in the honestly cultivated mother sourdough starter, so that the bread is rightly the centre of every meal, not just a small addition to it. You'll love it!

Kvasko wheat bread 505 g

The heart of this honest, white wheat bread are the traditional ingredients wheat bread flour, water, salt and a high proportion of sourdough starter. The popular bread of sourdough line contains no added preservatives, E's or yeast. The yeast and other leavening ingredients are replaced by mother wheat ferment, which is given sufficient time to mature in MINIT to prolong the bread's durability and to guarantee better digestibility. Kvasko wheat bread is characterised by high hydration, but bread flour can handle water and use it to its advantage in baking. The result is a beautifully fluffy loaf with a crispy crust that naturally cracks when baked in a traditional stone oven. A sprinkling of wheat and rice flour completes the perfection of this bread. Easy to eat!